Holy shyt. That was INTENSE! Hands down...yesterday was the most difficult race I've ever been a part of. People talk about the heat, the winds, the lava...but until you are physically racing in it, you just don't get it 100%. So...here we go:
Pre-Race: I got up at 3:45am and jumped in the shower and had my usual pre race breakfast. I was in great spirits....a little nervous, but not too nervous. I was really excited to get the day started. We drove down to the start line around 4:40am. I got my bags checked in and headed over to my bike to get my tires pumped up and my nutrition all set. While I was getting body marked, the volunteer put one of my number 3's backwards...I took it as a sign of good luck! After getting done with my transition, I headed out to see Ana and walk back to the sea wall where the crew was hanging out. The crowds for the swim start were HUGE. It was such a cool atmosphere. After leaving them, I headed back to transition to wait until the start of the race. We heard the gun go off for the Pro's, and then we started filing in.
Swim: I got in the water at about 6:40am. I stood on the beach for a few minutes to take it all in. I had finally made it to the start of the Ironman World Championships. A sense of calm came over me as I dove in and headed out to the swim start about 100yds away. I got out to the start line and found a surfer to hang on his board for a little a bit. It was so amazing to be there. I treaded water after the surfer had so go and hold the start line. I looked around and soaked it all in. It was surreal.
Finally, it was time to get started! The cannon didn't go off for some reason, so Mike Riley just yelled "go, go, go!" And we were off! This was the 5th Ironman swim I've competed in...and the first 20 minutes was INSANE. I got pushed under the water several times....just when I thought I had a little space, a group...yes a group of swimmers would converge and hammer you. I figure I spent at least 2 minutes on the first leg of the swim just protecting myself. I didn't want get kicked or having something stupid happen in the water to jeopardize my day. I got to the turn around and things finally started to thin out. I really cherished the swim back into shore. I got in a great rhythm and was able to draft off of several swimmers all the way back in. With about 10 minutes to go, I could really start to feel the effects of 50min of swimming in the salt water. Kona's bay is VERY salty. My arms and neck were chaffed pretty badly. But, I expected this!
I reached the shore in just over 1hr 3min....I was very happy with the swim. The bay was choppy...the competition was fierce...but I managed to put together a very strong swim. Now it was time to get to the bike!
Bike: Coming out of transition was so much fun. TONS of fans and people cheering the first few miles. It felt like a track meet. I just remained calm and focused on my effort (watts) and not what everyone around me was doing. I knew the first 10mi through town would be fast...but I couldn't believe how fast EVERYONE was on the bike. I was getting passed like I was riding a granny bike with a banana seat! The turn down Palani hill was AMAZING. I think I hit 45mph and got to see my crew for the first time. It was such an amazing boost. After that, a 2mi climb and turnaround back into town...and then it was on to the Queen K and battling the lava fields!
The first 45 miles were FAST. We had a bit of a tail wind for the first bit and we were flying. There were HUGE packs of riders all over the place. I really try to stay out of them, so at times I had to coast and even brake to make sure I kept the gap. I give the course marshalls credit though, every time I passed a penalty tent there were no less than 25 guys/girls serving their drafting penalties. It wasn't until we made the turn at Hawi that the packs started to thin out (mile 60).
Ok, lets talk about the cross winds. There was a cross/headwind all the way up the 19mi to Hawi. It was blowing so hard...at times, I felt like I was biking in quick sand. I kept very steady up the climb and just tried to stay loose through the winds. Earlier in the week, Dan and I did this climb...but there was ZERO wind that day. All I could do was laugh....Dan would shyt himself if he knew how different these two days could be!
I got a huge boost of adrenaline about half way up the climb as the Pro's were flying down the other side....it was so AWESOME to see the lead timex car in the distance...helicopters flying overhead....unreal. I recognized most of the Pros...but where was MACCA? I guess he dropped out at mile 50.
I finally reached the top of Hawi and was looking forward to the decent. It was super FAST...I caught a really nice tailwind for the majority of it. I was really happy for this because I knew the rest of the bike was going to be challenging. On one of my Ironman DVD's, one off the Pro's said "when I make the turn at Hawi, I look out over the Ocean and if I see white caps, I know I'm in for a LONG ride home." Nothing could be more spot on. The white caps in the Ocean were ominous.
The last 35 miles was directly into a headwind with the cross winds smashing you at the side from time to time as well. It was about this time that the heat really CRANKED up too. Did I mention I was riding through a LAVA field! I did my best to stay in my zone....stick to my plan...I was passing many. But at the same time, my power was dropping a bit too. The heat and wind was starting to take it's tole on me. I'm a fairly strong biker, but all things considered, it is my weakest part of my Triathlon. So I just tried to keep positive and keep the pressure on the pedals.
I made it back to Kona in 5hrs and 35min...about 15 minutes slower than I thought I would bike today. But I was happy! I gave it my all out there. This is a World Championship for a reason....between the terrain, wind, and heat...it was the overall toughest bike course I've ridden. And, I held over 20mph for the 112miles. I'm proud of that.
It makes me even more proud today....there were rumblings yesterday that this was one of the toughest days on the bike in terms of conditions EVER. I was really excited to hear that. Kona gave me her best....and I made it through! I was standing in line this morning buying some finisher gear, the person next to me was a 19 time KONA FINISHER. He said that was the worst wind he has ever faced here. Crazy. It was absolutely relentless for the last 2.5 hours.
Run: The bike smashed me up pretty good. I have never felt that horrible getting off the bike before. My legs were wobbly and I was having a hard time running through transition. I actually had some thoughts on whether or not I was going to be able to run at all! With my swim and bike being a little slower than expected...the marathon turned into pride. I wasn't going to PR today...and that is OK! But I wanted to follow through on my one true goal...leave it out in the Lava fields. And I did just that.
The first mile of the run was one of the toughest I've ever run. My watch showed a 7:40 mile....so I was right on my pace despite the horrible feeling in my legs. I remained calm...sometimes in an Ironman, it can 5 or 6 miles for your legs to get moving on the run....I trusted in that.
My rhythm started to come together after mile 2. I had great turnover and the legs were flushing out the pain of the bike nicely. I was showing 7:30, 7:25...etc...on my watch. The house we rented is right on Alii drive and was so excited to see my crew at mile 4! It had been over 6 hours since I saw them and I can't describe the tremendous boost I got when I did. One of the "other" factors in Kona is that it is fukin LONELY. No great crowd support like Madison....just you. Raw. So to see my crew....was inspirational at that point. Now, my watch said I was running steady 7:30-7:40's for the first 8 miles....the checkpoints on Ironman.com though say that I was running 6:30's....oops. :) Guess I got a little excited.
It was so stifling on Alii drive. The humidity was SICK. At about mile 8, shyt got real. My hands started to go numb...not good. I had nailed my nutrition to that point, but that only takes you so far. At mile 9, I went back to my old friend, Coca Cola. The coke tasted SO GOOD. And it gave me the boost I needed. I could feel my hands again and my rhythm returned just in time to climb up Palani hill. Palani was NO joke...mile 10.5 and a half mile climb. The crowds were amazing here...but I felt like I was melting. One of the highlights of my day, 3X World Champ Craig Alexander was running down Palani when I was running up....it was so cool.
At the top of Palani, you hang a left....and BANG...Lava. It was everything that it was cracked up to be....HOT...searing your skin hot. Feeling the sun on my skin actually hurt...like a really bad sunburn. The only option was to keep running and try to stay wet at the aid stations. Water on the head...sponges....ice down my back, shirt, and shorts....Ice in my hands. That was my rhythm throughout the marathon.
The run to the Energy lab from the top of Palani is roughly 5.5 miles...I swear to God it was all uphill. A real grind....just keep moving. I made a promise to myself that I would not stop running (outside of cooling off at the aid stations) unless I physically couldn't. I trained to RUN this marathon and that was what I intended to do.
I hung a left into the Energy Lab...where the temperatures hit upwards of 130 degrees. It was weird though...I didn't notice it too much. Since my skin was already on fire, a little extra heat didn't bother me too bad. It was here that I started to dedicate miles to my friends and family. I wanted to push as hard as I could to the finish...and needed your support to do so.
So, the entire Energy Lab was dedicated to "Baby Barto." I wanted to make sure that I could tell my child someday about how the thought of my new life gave me strength in the toughest part of the race. Out of the Energy Lab, mile 20 was dedicated to everyone at home following along. There was no way I was going to hit a "Wall" with everyone cheering me on in my head! Mile 21, that was for my crew here on the Big Island. Mike, Jess, Uncle Phil, Aunt Colleen, and Carrie....thank you so much for your support! Mile 22, for my parents. Their unconditional love and support is so inspiring. Thank you. Mile 23, Dan and Charles...two of the very best friends anyone could ask for. I dedicated the "mile" to Charles....and the Dave Scott/Mark Allen Iron War Hill to Dan. I couldn't think of a better spot to dedicate to my Kona Sherpa! Mile 24 was for my Coach, Jen Harrison. She is such an amazing Coach and friend. I can never truly thank her enough for guiding me to realize this dream. Thank you so much Jen, a better Coach can not be found. Mile 25/26....was for Ana. If you look at my splits...I dropped to a 6:08 pace (with stopping in the finish chute)...I guess she gets me going :) I am the luckiest guy in the world to have her love and support. Thank you Ana....
The finish chute....that was for me. I finally made it. A dream come true...running down Alii and into the finishing chute is very hard to describe. I was overcome with extreme joy....an adrenaline rush that can only be matched by my 1st Ironman in Wisconsin. I hammed it up for the crowd a bit....high fived. I ran past my parents....stopped, turned around to give them a hug. It was so special. I high fived the rest of the crew...and was able to spot Dan and give him a huge hug as well. I will always remember that chute....simply amazing.
When I crossed....it was like the world stopped for a just a moment. My moment. I earned this and I will forever be proud of my first race in Kona.
At the end of the day, I ran a 3hour 33min 59sec marathon....in the Ironman World Championship. I felt good for maybe 30 minutes of that run. The other 3hrs....100% heart. That's it. Just the will to finish...smash myself, and leave it all out there. Mission accomplished.
I finished with an overall time of 10hrs and 19min....that was 10 of the hardest hours of my life. Not taking anything away from the other Ironman courses I've done, but Kona is on a whole other level. I finished up 105th in my age group, in the WORLD.
At least for today, I'm the 525th fastest Ironman athlete on the planet. That's pretty amazing to think about.
I will always cherish this week and race. I truly couldn't ask for anything more. I told my crew before the race that hoped it would be hard. I didn't want to race the year it was "easy." I got my wish...and I saw it through.
Thank you for taking the time to read, respond...and encourage me throughout this journey. This will hold a special place in my heart for the rest of my days. No more blogs for bit...I'm on vacation now. I'm hungry...and I think I need a mai tai!
Aloha....and MAHALO!
Dedication, Passion, Results
Welcome to my blog! I hope you find it mildly entertaining. Here, you will get my thoughts on all things fitness. Racing, health, mental strength, nutrition, etc. Thanks for stopping by and let me know what you think!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Kona Day #5....IronEve
Tomorrow is the culmination of many years of hard work. This marks Ironman number 5 for me and I could not be happier that this race isn't my 1st one! This week has been a total washing machine of emotions for me. Excitement, awe, happiness, respect, fun, relaxing, stressful, nervous, scared are just some of the emotions I have felt this week.
It has been a blessing to have family and friends around all week. I'm coming into this race in the best shape of my life...and they have been able to help me "keep it real." I finally got mentally ready today. I had about 2 hours to myself...Ipod on....to get my gear ready for tomorrow. This is old hat now...it was almost like a switch flipped as I layed out my clothes for tomorrow and got my race gear ready. I may be in a World Championship....but I have been "here" before.
I struggled at times throughout the year of what my "goal" should be here. Realistically, I don't have a shot in hell of making the podium in my age group. So that goal is "out." But that is ok....just getting here is an honor.
So my goal for tomorrow, respect the World Championship.
I'm going to race my azz off. I'm going to leave it all out in the Lava fields. I will have ZERO regrets when I cross the line. AND.....I will enjoy the hell out of this! Racing hard and having fun are NOT mutually exclusive. I'm obviously a little "off" in the head because I like to suffer for hours and hours and hours doing this sport. So, when I'm suffering....I'll embrace it! I don't want an "easy" day in Kona. I want a challenge. And I want to leave it all out there.
So when/if you track me tomorrow...know that I'm thinking of you. I will make you proud and I will push myself as hard as I can. Thank you for your support...I probably won't write tomorrow, :) so I look forward to posting my thoughts on the race on Sunday.
From the bottom of my heart...Malaho.
Dedication, Passion, Results
It has been a blessing to have family and friends around all week. I'm coming into this race in the best shape of my life...and they have been able to help me "keep it real." I finally got mentally ready today. I had about 2 hours to myself...Ipod on....to get my gear ready for tomorrow. This is old hat now...it was almost like a switch flipped as I layed out my clothes for tomorrow and got my race gear ready. I may be in a World Championship....but I have been "here" before.
I struggled at times throughout the year of what my "goal" should be here. Realistically, I don't have a shot in hell of making the podium in my age group. So that goal is "out." But that is ok....just getting here is an honor.
So my goal for tomorrow, respect the World Championship.
I'm going to race my azz off. I'm going to leave it all out in the Lava fields. I will have ZERO regrets when I cross the line. AND.....I will enjoy the hell out of this! Racing hard and having fun are NOT mutually exclusive. I'm obviously a little "off" in the head because I like to suffer for hours and hours and hours doing this sport. So, when I'm suffering....I'll embrace it! I don't want an "easy" day in Kona. I want a challenge. And I want to leave it all out there.
So when/if you track me tomorrow...know that I'm thinking of you. I will make you proud and I will push myself as hard as I can. Thank you for your support...I probably won't write tomorrow, :) so I look forward to posting my thoughts on the race on Sunday.
From the bottom of my heart...Malaho.
Dedication, Passion, Results
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Kona....Day #4: A rest day, but not without its Excitement
Today was a crazy day in a different way. Hold on....here we go:
We started the day off with the great intentions of running the infamous Underpants Run here in Kona this morning. It is a mile or so long...everyone runs in their underwear...and it is supposed to be a good time. Honestly, it has been one continuous "underpants run" outside our place all week! Spandex, no shirts, sports bra's, etc leave very little to the imagination anyway :)
We have made the 3mi drive into town from our place no less than 15 times since getting here on Sunday. This morning, traffic BLEW UP. There was a 3mi line of cars! We tried several different ways to try and get there, but no dice. It was a bit of blessing though, I learned today that I need to get out the door a little earlier on Saturday so I don't stress trying to make it to transition!
Dan found a little coffee/breakfast place that was about 12 miles south of Kona, so we decided to head there away from the crazy traffic. I'm SO GLAD we did. This place was amazing. It was a little local spot called The Coffee Shack. It had wonderful french toast, 100% Kona coffee, and it was over looking the Ocean on top of a cliff at 1500ft of Elevation! It was so cool...and refreshing to get out of town for a little bit. If you are ever in Kona...MAKE THE DRIVE! It is well worth it.
After breakfast, Dan and I rode our bikes into town so I could get a mechanic to look at my shifting on the bike. It was shifting like butter when I left for Hawaii, but in transit, it got totally jacked up. It stressed me out for a bit...I tried to fix it on my own, but realized that I needed some professional help. I dropped it off at "Inside/Out Sports" which is the "host" bike shop for all Ironman events. They charged me $35 for a "Pre-Race" tune up and told me to pick it up in a couple hours. Dan and I walked around the expo a bit...bought some more shyt (I saw the finisher medal too...OH MY is it "Flavor Flave!") and had lunch. We headed back to Inside/Out and the mechanic was working on my bike. He took great pride in his work. I was so relieved as I watched him make adjustments and get the bike back to new. I tipped him because I appreciated it so much...piece of mind is a wonderful thing. Lesson learned...for any destination Ironman in the future, I'm wheeling my bike over to Inside/Out, and having them check it over immediately! Big props to those guys.
We rode back to the house and the bike was shifting wonderfully. Phew....mind at ease. We got back, and the girls were cleaning. I thought it was because the rest of "Team Barto" is arriving today. Well, turns out we had an ANT attack in the house and we accidentally shattered some glass on the dining room table trying to clean up! What a mess! They were everywhere! They even started to hang out in the keyboard of my computer...the one I'm typing on right now! It was DISGUSTING! So we cleaned, vaccumed, sucked the ANTS out of my computer (100's of them!) and called the owners. They are coming tomorrow to look at the ant situation...hopefully cleaning up a bit helped for tonight. They were very cool about the broken glass...I called a place just in case, $40 for a new piece. Phew...mind at ease.
Then...I tried to find out why my GPS device for tracking on race day hasn't been delivered to the house yet. Apparently, there is an issue with the address that was given...it is the right one by the way. So I tried to find the Post Office here...didn't have much luck...started to get really frustrated and stopped looking. I'm really mad that isn't showing up. It is real time tracking for everyone at home....and now we won't have it. No mind at ease on this one....but....you can still track via www.ironmanlive.com.
So after all that...I jumped in the pool and finally had a moment to relax today. Dan was great...he told me to stay put and relax while he went to the airport to pick up my family. I'm so grateful to have him here...he could tell I was really starting to get stressed...not good with the race 2 days away.
So now, I'm chilling on the couch. Sitting in my recovery boots....and waiting for my family and friends to get here. I'm so excited to have them all here and I think that will give me the boost I need for Saturday. I want to thank EVERYONE that is making the trip, following at home, reading online, and genuinely interested in what happens this week. You have no idea the amount of positive energy that creates for me. From what I saw, and have heard, this is a very lonely race. The fact that I have so many here and back home rooting me on....it will be like you are lining the course the whole way. I will draw so much inspiration from your support...thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mahalo to all my friends, family, and supporters!
Dedication, Passion, Results
We started the day off with the great intentions of running the infamous Underpants Run here in Kona this morning. It is a mile or so long...everyone runs in their underwear...and it is supposed to be a good time. Honestly, it has been one continuous "underpants run" outside our place all week! Spandex, no shirts, sports bra's, etc leave very little to the imagination anyway :)
We have made the 3mi drive into town from our place no less than 15 times since getting here on Sunday. This morning, traffic BLEW UP. There was a 3mi line of cars! We tried several different ways to try and get there, but no dice. It was a bit of blessing though, I learned today that I need to get out the door a little earlier on Saturday so I don't stress trying to make it to transition!
Dan found a little coffee/breakfast place that was about 12 miles south of Kona, so we decided to head there away from the crazy traffic. I'm SO GLAD we did. This place was amazing. It was a little local spot called The Coffee Shack. It had wonderful french toast, 100% Kona coffee, and it was over looking the Ocean on top of a cliff at 1500ft of Elevation! It was so cool...and refreshing to get out of town for a little bit. If you are ever in Kona...MAKE THE DRIVE! It is well worth it.
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View from breakfast today! |
After breakfast, Dan and I rode our bikes into town so I could get a mechanic to look at my shifting on the bike. It was shifting like butter when I left for Hawaii, but in transit, it got totally jacked up. It stressed me out for a bit...I tried to fix it on my own, but realized that I needed some professional help. I dropped it off at "Inside/Out Sports" which is the "host" bike shop for all Ironman events. They charged me $35 for a "Pre-Race" tune up and told me to pick it up in a couple hours. Dan and I walked around the expo a bit...bought some more shyt (I saw the finisher medal too...OH MY is it "Flavor Flave!") and had lunch. We headed back to Inside/Out and the mechanic was working on my bike. He took great pride in his work. I was so relieved as I watched him make adjustments and get the bike back to new. I tipped him because I appreciated it so much...piece of mind is a wonderful thing. Lesson learned...for any destination Ironman in the future, I'm wheeling my bike over to Inside/Out, and having them check it over immediately! Big props to those guys.
We rode back to the house and the bike was shifting wonderfully. Phew....mind at ease. We got back, and the girls were cleaning. I thought it was because the rest of "Team Barto" is arriving today. Well, turns out we had an ANT attack in the house and we accidentally shattered some glass on the dining room table trying to clean up! What a mess! They were everywhere! They even started to hang out in the keyboard of my computer...the one I'm typing on right now! It was DISGUSTING! So we cleaned, vaccumed, sucked the ANTS out of my computer (100's of them!) and called the owners. They are coming tomorrow to look at the ant situation...hopefully cleaning up a bit helped for tonight. They were very cool about the broken glass...I called a place just in case, $40 for a new piece. Phew...mind at ease.
Then...I tried to find out why my GPS device for tracking on race day hasn't been delivered to the house yet. Apparently, there is an issue with the address that was given...it is the right one by the way. So I tried to find the Post Office here...didn't have much luck...started to get really frustrated and stopped looking. I'm really mad that isn't showing up. It is real time tracking for everyone at home....and now we won't have it. No mind at ease on this one....but....you can still track via www.ironmanlive.com.
So after all that...I jumped in the pool and finally had a moment to relax today. Dan was great...he told me to stay put and relax while he went to the airport to pick up my family. I'm so grateful to have him here...he could tell I was really starting to get stressed...not good with the race 2 days away.
So now, I'm chilling on the couch. Sitting in my recovery boots....and waiting for my family and friends to get here. I'm so excited to have them all here and I think that will give me the boost I need for Saturday. I want to thank EVERYONE that is making the trip, following at home, reading online, and genuinely interested in what happens this week. You have no idea the amount of positive energy that creates for me. From what I saw, and have heard, this is a very lonely race. The fact that I have so many here and back home rooting me on....it will be like you are lining the course the whole way. I will draw so much inspiration from your support...thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mahalo to all my friends, family, and supporters!
Dedication, Passion, Results
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Kona....Day #3
Another day in paradise! Today was a great day....not sure I'm coming back to Illinois :)
We started the day with a 30min swim in the Ocean. Today was the roughest water of the 3 days. It was doable, but I hope that the ocean isn't that aggressive on race day! After about 30min of swimming in it, I was starting to get a little dizzy with all the ups and downs of the waves...but it was manageable. Apparently there is a big swell that came in today and it should calm down over the next few days. I had another run in with an idiot....some dude thought I cut him off coming back into the swim and tried to punch me in the water in the side. Really? There is like 900 people swimming in the bay this morning and it is complete chaos...and he thinks I'm cutting him off? What a weirdo. All I could do is laugh though because he was yelling at me in another language and I thought it sounded funny :)
After that, Dan and I did a quick 20 minute run along Alii drive. My first run on this extremely famous rode! I can not believe how humid it was along this....I did a little over 3 miles and was soaked from head to toe. The run felt great, but it made me realize that I'm in for a TOUGH marathon on Saturday.
Dan and Carrie went to some surf lessons after the run....they had a blast! If my legs let me, I'd love to try it next week. We shall see. While they were surfing....Ana and I went to get me checked in! It was the fastest and smoothest check in ever. There was one interesting thing that happened though. My forms were marked with a pink slash...so they said I had to go over and talk to some guy in an orange shirt. I got over there...and he started gathering my swag bag...put my wrist band on...etc, and all of this was at a table away from where most of the other athletes were checking in. For a moment, I thought maybe I was randomly selected to be on TV or something! Nope...I was randomly selected to take a drug test for USADA. I wanted to punch the dude in the face for the Lance Armstrong debacle! They were really weird about it...they wouldn't tell me why I had to go to these other tables...I only put this together when I saw the USADA (US Anti Doping Agency) logo on the guy's shirt. Turns out, I didn't get selected...my bib # is 1633 and the bib they really needed was 1663. Oh well...I wasn't worried anyway. I don't think multi-vitamins and Gatorade qualify as PED's!
After that...Ana and I grabbed some lunch at a great restaurant on Alii Drive called Humpy's! The fish tacos and pizza were unreal. It was great to grab some lunch and hang out with Ana with that view for a bit! Tonight, we are going on a little booze cruise (too bad Ana and I can't drink!) with Body Glove and Leon's Triathlon. Should be a fun time and I'm excited to see the shore from the boat!
Well...that is about it for today. For Pro sightings....we saw Chris Lieto, Hilary Biscay, Faris Al-Sultan, and Dirk Bockel today. So very cool to see all these Pro's running around! More to come.....
Dedication, Passion, Results
Another day in paradise! Today was a great day....not sure I'm coming back to Illinois :)
We started the day with a 30min swim in the Ocean. Today was the roughest water of the 3 days. It was doable, but I hope that the ocean isn't that aggressive on race day! After about 30min of swimming in it, I was starting to get a little dizzy with all the ups and downs of the waves...but it was manageable. Apparently there is a big swell that came in today and it should calm down over the next few days. I had another run in with an idiot....some dude thought I cut him off coming back into the swim and tried to punch me in the water in the side. Really? There is like 900 people swimming in the bay this morning and it is complete chaos...and he thinks I'm cutting him off? What a weirdo. All I could do is laugh though because he was yelling at me in another language and I thought it sounded funny :)
After that, Dan and I did a quick 20 minute run along Alii drive. My first run on this extremely famous rode! I can not believe how humid it was along this....I did a little over 3 miles and was soaked from head to toe. The run felt great, but it made me realize that I'm in for a TOUGH marathon on Saturday.
Dan and Carrie went to some surf lessons after the run....they had a blast! If my legs let me, I'd love to try it next week. We shall see. While they were surfing....Ana and I went to get me checked in! It was the fastest and smoothest check in ever. There was one interesting thing that happened though. My forms were marked with a pink slash...so they said I had to go over and talk to some guy in an orange shirt. I got over there...and he started gathering my swag bag...put my wrist band on...etc, and all of this was at a table away from where most of the other athletes were checking in. For a moment, I thought maybe I was randomly selected to be on TV or something! Nope...I was randomly selected to take a drug test for USADA. I wanted to punch the dude in the face for the Lance Armstrong debacle! They were really weird about it...they wouldn't tell me why I had to go to these other tables...I only put this together when I saw the USADA (US Anti Doping Agency) logo on the guy's shirt. Turns out, I didn't get selected...my bib # is 1633 and the bib they really needed was 1663. Oh well...I wasn't worried anyway. I don't think multi-vitamins and Gatorade qualify as PED's!
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My Athlete Wristband...and my SUPPORT of Lance Armstrong! |
Ana at Humpy's for lunch...what a VIEW! |
Dedication, Passion, Results
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Kona....Day #2
Well, another day in the books! It is hard to describe this experience fully. It is something that I have thought about EVERY day for the last 6 years....and my expectations are blown away. The energy...the course...the history, such a great experience.
I had official Hawaiian Luau food last night...it was good! Except the Poi, not for me. I ate it straight up until the lady on the Ucayali told me is was a dip. yeah, still not very good. But it was a must eat while I was here.
If you are keeping score at home....here is the list of Pro's/Notable people we saw today: Craig Alexander running, Leanda Cave running (being paced by a SCOOTER), Chris Lieto, Julie Dibbens, Mike Riley, and Sister Madonna all at the swim this morning!
The swim today was amazing. The Ocean was little angrier than yesterday! But it was still manageable. Just had a quick 35min swim to do. So Dan and I swam out to the swim up coffee bar...yes, swim up coffee bar! Got my cup of Joe floating in the ocean...WITH cream and sugar! Dan and I swam a little farther out after that....then came back for a 2nd cup! Sorry Jen! :) What an amazing experience floating around drinking Kona coffee in the Ocean. It was great. Although...I must admit....Coffee will NOT be my drink of choice on the pool deck during a workout any time soon!
After the swim, we came back to have breakfast with the girls at the house. Carrie and Ana made us eggs and pancakes. It was the perfect pre ride meal for our trek up to Hawi!
After breakfast...Dan and I drove up to Hawi (about 45 miles north of Kona) and the turnaround for the bike segment. Out there, it is roughly a 13 mile climb to the turn (Dan and I did 7.5mi of it). It wasn't difficult....just grinding up a modest grade into a headwind. As soon as we made the turn....we were FLYING down the decent. We averaged over 28mph and we weren't even trying. The only thing missing today were the famous trade winds that you hear about in Hawi. Some years, Ironman competitors deal with 60mph+ wind gusts up there! Today, is was very calm comparatively. There was some wind, but nothing for me to really get a feel of what it "could" be like on Saturday. I guess I'll deal with it then!
I also noticed today that my gearing is going to be just about right on the bike. I have the right gears to stay under control up the hills (again, the Queen K is NOT FLAT!).....but I will be a little under powered on the decents. I was running out of gears pretty quickly today. But I thought about it...that isn't a bad thing. I'll get a little more rest from time to time and should help me get ready for a FAST run :)
I had official Hawaiian Luau food last night...it was good! Except the Poi, not for me. I ate it straight up until the lady on the Ucayali told me is was a dip. yeah, still not very good. But it was a must eat while I was here.
If you are keeping score at home....here is the list of Pro's/Notable people we saw today: Craig Alexander running, Leanda Cave running (being paced by a SCOOTER), Chris Lieto, Julie Dibbens, Mike Riley, and Sister Madonna all at the swim this morning!
The swim today was amazing. The Ocean was little angrier than yesterday! But it was still manageable. Just had a quick 35min swim to do. So Dan and I swam out to the swim up coffee bar...yes, swim up coffee bar! Got my cup of Joe floating in the ocean...WITH cream and sugar! Dan and I swam a little farther out after that....then came back for a 2nd cup! Sorry Jen! :) What an amazing experience floating around drinking Kona coffee in the Ocean. It was great. Although...I must admit....Coffee will NOT be my drink of choice on the pool deck during a workout any time soon!
After the swim, we came back to have breakfast with the girls at the house. Carrie and Ana made us eggs and pancakes. It was the perfect pre ride meal for our trek up to Hawi!
After breakfast...Dan and I drove up to Hawi (about 45 miles north of Kona) and the turnaround for the bike segment. Out there, it is roughly a 13 mile climb to the turn (Dan and I did 7.5mi of it). It wasn't difficult....just grinding up a modest grade into a headwind. As soon as we made the turn....we were FLYING down the decent. We averaged over 28mph and we weren't even trying. The only thing missing today were the famous trade winds that you hear about in Hawi. Some years, Ironman competitors deal with 60mph+ wind gusts up there! Today, is was very calm comparatively. There was some wind, but nothing for me to really get a feel of what it "could" be like on Saturday. I guess I'll deal with it then!
I also noticed today that my gearing is going to be just about right on the bike. I have the right gears to stay under control up the hills (again, the Queen K is NOT FLAT!).....but I will be a little under powered on the decents. I was running out of gears pretty quickly today. But I thought about it...that isn't a bad thing. I'll get a little more rest from time to time and should help me get ready for a FAST run :)
Me....and my bike before our climb to Hawi
So for the rest of the day we are going to relax! I feel like we have been on the go since we got here! Today is Ana's birthday...we are going to head out for a nice dinner later. Ana has been my rock through this journey for several years. I'm so lucky to have a spouse that supports me unconditionally in this passion. Don't get me wrong, there are some tough moments from time to time. But I have never felt that Ana wasn't in my corner or not supporting me 100% to do the very best that I can. I have many examples of some people that aren't as fortunate to have that level of support and I'm truly lucky to have that. I couldn't have gotten here without the love and support of my wife. Thank you so much Ana....and happy 23rd birthday :)
Dedication, Passion, Results
Kona....Day #1
Hello everyone....damn, I'm TIRED. Been up since 3AM local time and taking the advice of my good friend Brian and trying to stay up until at LEAST 10pm :) Hopefully, tomorrow I will feel a little more refreshed.
Despite the long day, the workouts today were amazing. First off, EVERYONE out here is ripped. There aren't too many times in my life that I feel "fat", but this place can make you feel that way! The people watching highlight of the day was saying high to Chris "MACCA" McCormack as he ran/walked past our place! Very cool to see him out here!
View from our house on Alii Drive!
In the morning, Dan and I went out to "Dig Me Beach" to get a swim in. What an AWESOME experience. It was the first time I've truly swam in the Ocean. It was a little rough, but not too bad. What I don't know is if today was "perfect" or "normal." I guess I'll find out tomorrow! It was like swimming in an aquarium....so cool. Tons of fish, rocks and whatnot...really looking forward to the rest of the week's
After our swim, it was off to the ENERGY LAB for a 4 mile run! I've heard some crazy stories about this place and it lived up to the hype. It is roughly 2 miles "down" into the lab, turnaround, and run back "up." The way in really isn't too bad, at least for a "4mile run." But when you make the turn, oh my. It is like a friggin furnace! AND...there is a shellfish company at the turnaround so it smells HORRIBLE! Crazy....but I loved every second of it. However, I'm GLAD I will only be running in there one more time on this trip :)
Tomorrow...Dan and I swim again....then head out on the bike course to check out the crazy crosswinds in Hawi. Really looking forward to getting some biking in tomorrow.
I want to take a minute to thank Dan for coming out here to experience this with me. I can't think of more perfect way to spend this week than training with my best training buddy. Dan is extremely passionate about this sport and lifestyle. He inspires me every time we get together. Thank you Dan for being here and helping me get to the start line. There is NO WAY this would mean as much without your support. Thank you!
Dedication, Passion, Results
Despite the long day, the workouts today were amazing. First off, EVERYONE out here is ripped. There aren't too many times in my life that I feel "fat", but this place can make you feel that way! The people watching highlight of the day was saying high to Chris "MACCA" McCormack as he ran/walked past our place! Very cool to see him out here!
View from our house on Alii Drive!
In the morning, Dan and I went out to "Dig Me Beach" to get a swim in. What an AWESOME experience. It was the first time I've truly swam in the Ocean. It was a little rough, but not too bad. What I don't know is if today was "perfect" or "normal." I guess I'll find out tomorrow! It was like swimming in an aquarium....so cool. Tons of fish, rocks and whatnot...really looking forward to the rest of the week's
Monday, October 8, 2012
Kona, Travel, and more....
Well, it is 3:37am on Monday morning Hawaii time. I knew it was going to be tough with the time change (5hrs behind Chicago) but I didn't think I'd wake up at 3AM! Yesterday was a long day of travel. Close to 10 hours on the plane...but it was fine. Drank plenty of water, watched a couple movies, and just enjoyed sitting on my butt for a while. That usually doesn't happen very much!
My first impressions as I got off the plane were just as expected....it was hot. And wet feeling. Almost felt like the heat was just sticking to you. We got our luggage without any issues and grabbed the rental car. We ended up staying at a really nice resort about 25 miles north of town. Ana and I watched the sunset, had a little dinner and were in bed by 7:30pm...exhausted from the days travels!
In order to get to the resort, we had to drive on the Queen K. It was as I remembered it from a few years back (here for vacation with my sister in 2006)....looks like the face of the moon. Rock and lava everywhere....oh, and it is NOT flat. Didn't look like any crazy hills in the 20mi we drove on it, but it isn't flat. Wind was blowing pretty good...but I didn't pay much attention to it because it was 5pm. I would be running, not biking at that time.
Overall, I feel very excited to be here! I tried talking to a guy that was racing that sat next to me on the shuttle to get our luggage, but he wasn't interested. He was actually an azz and I wish him all the luck in the world on Saturday :)
So, in a few hours...we will eat breakfast...I'M STARVING right now. It is really 8:46am to my body! Then, Ana and I will head down to town and meet up with Dan and Carrie. The plan is to swim in the bay for 45 minutes....then Dan and I will hit the Energy Lab for a little run in the sauna :)
Can't wait to get this started! I'll write again at the end of the day, and have some pictures for y'all. For now, I guess I'll watch Sportscenter and pretend to sleep. Glad I got here early....didn't account for this massive jet lag in my plan! Have a great day!
Dedication, Passion, Results
Well, it is 3:37am on Monday morning Hawaii time. I knew it was going to be tough with the time change (5hrs behind Chicago) but I didn't think I'd wake up at 3AM! Yesterday was a long day of travel. Close to 10 hours on the plane...but it was fine. Drank plenty of water, watched a couple movies, and just enjoyed sitting on my butt for a while. That usually doesn't happen very much!
My first impressions as I got off the plane were just as expected....it was hot. And wet feeling. Almost felt like the heat was just sticking to you. We got our luggage without any issues and grabbed the rental car. We ended up staying at a really nice resort about 25 miles north of town. Ana and I watched the sunset, had a little dinner and were in bed by 7:30pm...exhausted from the days travels!
In order to get to the resort, we had to drive on the Queen K. It was as I remembered it from a few years back (here for vacation with my sister in 2006)....looks like the face of the moon. Rock and lava everywhere....oh, and it is NOT flat. Didn't look like any crazy hills in the 20mi we drove on it, but it isn't flat. Wind was blowing pretty good...but I didn't pay much attention to it because it was 5pm. I would be running, not biking at that time.
Overall, I feel very excited to be here! I tried talking to a guy that was racing that sat next to me on the shuttle to get our luggage, but he wasn't interested. He was actually an azz and I wish him all the luck in the world on Saturday :)
So, in a few hours...we will eat breakfast...I'M STARVING right now. It is really 8:46am to my body! Then, Ana and I will head down to town and meet up with Dan and Carrie. The plan is to swim in the bay for 45 minutes....then Dan and I will hit the Energy Lab for a little run in the sauna :)
Can't wait to get this started! I'll write again at the end of the day, and have some pictures for y'all. For now, I guess I'll watch Sportscenter and pretend to sleep. Glad I got here early....didn't account for this massive jet lag in my plan! Have a great day!
Dedication, Passion, Results
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