Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kona....Day #3


Another day in paradise!  Today was a great day....not sure I'm coming back to Illinois :)

We started the day with a 30min swim in the Ocean.  Today was the roughest water of the 3 days.  It was doable, but I hope that the ocean isn't that aggressive on race day!  After about 30min of swimming in it, I was starting to get a little dizzy with all the ups and downs of the waves...but it was manageable.  Apparently there is a big swell that came in today and it should calm down over the next few days.  I had another run in with an idiot....some dude thought I cut him off coming back into the swim and tried to punch me in the water in the side.  Really?  There is like 900 people swimming in the bay this morning and it is complete chaos...and he thinks I'm cutting him off?  What a weirdo.  All I could do is laugh though because he was yelling at me in another language and I thought it sounded funny :)

After that, Dan and I did a quick 20 minute run along Alii drive.  My first run on this extremely famous rode!  I can not believe how humid it was along this....I did a little over 3 miles and was soaked from head to toe.  The run felt great, but it made me realize that I'm in for a TOUGH marathon on Saturday. 

Dan and Carrie went to some surf lessons after the run....they had a blast!  If my legs let me, I'd love to try it next week.  We shall see.  While they were surfing....Ana and I went to get me checked in!  It was the fastest and smoothest check in ever.  There was one interesting thing that happened though.  My forms were marked with a pink they said I had to go over and talk to some guy in an orange shirt.  I got over there...and he started gathering my swag bag...put my wrist band on...etc, and all of this was at a table away from where most of the other athletes were checking in.  For a moment, I thought maybe I was randomly selected to be on TV or something!  Nope...I was randomly selected to take a drug test for USADA.  I wanted to punch the dude in the face for the Lance Armstrong debacle!  They were really weird about it...they wouldn't tell me why I had to go to these other tables...I only put this together when I saw the USADA (US Anti Doping Agency) logo on the guy's shirt.  Turns out, I didn't get bib # is 1633 and the bib they really needed was 1663.  Oh well...I wasn't worried anyway.  I don't think multi-vitamins and Gatorade qualify as PED's!

My Athlete Wristband...and my SUPPORT of Lance Armstrong!
After that...Ana and I grabbed some lunch at a great restaurant on Alii Drive called Humpy's!  The fish tacos and pizza were unreal.  It was great to grab some lunch and hang out with Ana with that view for a bit!  Tonight, we are going on a little booze cruise (too bad Ana and I can't drink!) with Body Glove and Leon's Triathlon.  Should be a fun time and I'm excited to see the shore from the boat! 

Ana at Humpy's for lunch...what a VIEW!
 Well...that is about it for today.  For Pro sightings....we saw Chris Lieto, Hilary Biscay, Faris Al-Sultan, and Dirk Bockel today.  So very cool to see all these Pro's running around!  More to come.....

Dedication, Passion, Results

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